Patient Room Information


你的床是一个复杂的医疗设备,也是你治疗的一部分. It makes periodic adjustments in the amount of pressure on your body. You may hear it while it adjusts to your body.
床也可以为您的舒适定位,以及协助我们的工作人员照顾您. 床的控制装置位于侧轨上,护理人员会向你展示它们是如何工作的.


餐点和零食可以从客房服务菜单上订购. 有一些医疗条件或诊断测试会限制你的饮食. The nursing staff will inform you if your diet is limited.

Nursing Staff

Your nursing care is provided by a staff of professional, 在你的医生的指导下,技术高超的人提供治疗. You may call for your nurse by pressing the call button.

Personal Items

请在您的房间里只放置一些您在住宿期间可能需要的个人物品, such as toiletries, pajamas, slippers, robe and reading materials.

眼镜、隐形眼镜、助听器和假牙很容易放错地方. 不使用时,应将其放置在保护容器中并固定.

请不要在房间内存放珠宝、大量现金或其他贵重物品. 如果这是不可能的,他们可以存放在医院安全的出院时收回.
The hospital is not responsible for loss or breakage of personal items, or loss of money or valuables kept in your room.


Your phone is located on your bed or night stand, 你可以接听电话,除非你的要求或你的医生的命令受到限制.

家人和朋友可以通过拨打怀亚多特纪念医院的主要电话号码(419)294-4991给您打电话,并在自动服务员提示时输入2 +您的房间号码. The hospital’s receptionist may also connect calls to your room.

To place a long distance call, dial 9 to access an outside line, 0 for the operator, then the area code (if other than 419). Give the operator the billing information when requested (credit card, collect or bill to another number).

Wireless Internet Access

皇冠体育博彩很高兴为我们的病人和访客提供无线上网服务. 此服务基于可用状态,如果您的设备无法连接到无线系统,我们的资源不允许医院IT人员进行故障排除. Follow these steps to connect to the internet:

进入电脑的无线连接菜单,点击GUEST ACCESS选项
Next, 转到Internet Explorer,你会看到一个Aruba屏幕-键入你的电子邮件地址,然后点击登录. You will now be able to use the internet.


每间客房都配有一台电视,可通过床侧扶手上的控制装置进行操作. 请享受所提供的通道,但尊重其他患者休息和安静的需求. A channel lineup can be found on the back of this book.

Smoking is Prohibited

To protect the health and safety of our patients, guests and staff, Wyandot Memorial Hospital is tobacco free. 校园内禁止吸烟或使用其他烟草制品, including inside buildings, outside of buildings and in parking areas.

为吸烟的病人提供援助,帮助他们度过不吸烟的住院期. 如果您需要帮助,请在您住院期间随时询问您的护士.

Special Needs
